Paso 2: Luego copiar y pegar esto y después copiar y pegar goto guardar como y guárdelo como anithing.vbs
a continuación tendrá que copiar y pegar este código en el Bloc de notas a partir de la primera palabra que dice Msgbox
MsgBox ("¡ error! se ha producido durante la instalación del navegador")
MsgBox("would you like to Fix it") Msgbox("error occurred durring fixage of error would like to scan for a virus") Msgbox("Scan complete! ADVERTENCIA el equipo tiene un VIRUS quieres arreglarlo (recomendado) ") Msgbox("virus reqests to send your important information to the hackers server press the x or ok to cancel") Msgbox("importing banking details to hackers server...") Msgbox("importing passport details to hackers location...") Msgbox("all your important secret ducuments details addres and other details required for identity theft have been succsefully transported") Msgbox("you shall not be able to use your computer anymore") Msgbox("your identy has sido robado y utilizado una copia pasport para ocultar un crimen y te marco para ") Msgbox("£6000,900,100 has been withdrawn from your bank account") Msgbox("you have been deleted as a person from the home office servers") Msgbox("your house is now owned to the hacker Mr.Bangojang Bambadchi") Msgbox("your computer and your whole life will be destroyd") Msgbox("this virus is called deathstreackbuscus and when you see me its too late") Msgbox("your pc will malfunction in 10!... ") Msgbox("your pc will malfunction in 9!...") Msgbox("your pc will malfunction in 8!...") Msgbox("your pc will malfucntion in 7!...") Msgbox("your pc will malfucntion in 6!...") Msgbox("your pc will malfucntion in 5!...") Msgbox("your pc will malfunction in 4!...") Msgbox("your pc will malfunction in 3!...") Msgbox("your pc will malfunction in 2!...") Msgbox("your pc will malfucntion in 1!...") Msgbox("your pc will malfucntion in 0!...") Msgbox("Good bye my owner you destroyd me and su vida :(")
Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7") Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection si colCDROMs.Count > = 1 entonces hacer para i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1 colCDROMs.Item(i). Expulsar Next ' cdrom para i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1 colCDROMs.Item(i). Expulsar Next ' cdrom loop End If
MsgBox ("OLOOLOLLOLO YOUVE sido pranked esto es nada no woryy esto es un lololol broma hecho por mohbuscus")