Paso 1: Crear la herramienta de engaño
Así es la noche antes de la gran prueba y no estudias, más probable es que está obligado a fallar a menos que milagrosamente pueda recordar todo lo que no es probable que esto suceda, así que aquí está qué hacer para asegurarse de que pasar la gran prueba.
#1-First- Take a #2 pencil and carve out or shave off about an inch, it has to be the area where the pencil cushion will go.
#2-Make yourself a cheat note, which is the information you have a hard time remembering during the test such as spelling words. Try printing it out on really small font.
#3-Protect the cheat note strip with clear tape, both front and back.
#4-Cut out your cheat note in the for of a strip.
#5-poner un trozo de #5-Put a piece of tape on one end of your cheat note and wrap it around the carve area on the pencil. en un extremo de su truco nota y Envuélvala alrededor de la zona de tallar en el lápiz.
#6-Cut a vertical slit on the pencil cushion, a bit wide on the center to be able to feed the cheat note strip through.
#7-Put the cushion on the pencil, make sure a piece of the cheat note sticks out.
#8-It's optional but you can color in the tip of the cheat note to match the color of the cushion to avoid further suspicion.