Paso 2: Agregar secuencias de comandos de protocolo Kwikset
Ahora abre un documento nuevo y asígnele el nombre con el siguiente comando
#!/usr/bin/python# This is a library for providing access to Kwikset Smartcode Locks via UART # The h/w interface is 3.3V 9600 baud 8N1 standard UART # This is more of a protocol encoder/decoder though# You can find more information at randomwire.bizfrom binascii import hexlify,unhexlifypkt_count = 0NO_DATA = '' LOCK_CMD = 'e703' UNLOCK_CMD = 'e705' INIT_CMDS = ('e707','e74d','e702','e70a','e718','e709','e742','e70f') INIT_DATAS = ('','','','','','','01010101','15031301471205') PARSE_LOOKUP = {'e709':"parse_initack",'e727':"parse_lockstatus",'e729':"parse_newlockcode",'e742':"parse_error"}def generate_packet(cmd,data): global pkt_count pkt_count += 1 length = (len(cmd+data)/2)+2 base_pkt = "%0.2x%0.2x" % (length,pkt_count)+cmd+data pkt = "bd"+base_pkt+calculate_crc(base_pkt) return pktdef calculate_crc(pkt): crc = int("ff",16) #print "Starting crc = %0.2x"%crc while len(pkt)>1: crc ^= int(pkt[0:2],16) #print "After byte 0x%s, CRC = %0.2x, Len=%d"%(pkt[0:2],crc,len(pkt)) pkt = pkt[2:] return "%0.2x"%crcdef validate_crc(pkt): if calculate_crc(pkt) == '00': return True else: return Falsedef parse_packet(pkt): if pkt[0:2] != 'bd': print "Bad packet header" return False if not validate_crc(pkt[2:]): print "Bad packet CRC" return False if ((len(pkt)/2)-2) != int(pkt[2:4],16): print "Bad packet length" return False cmd = pkt[6:10] data = pkt[10:-2] print "Found cmd=%s & data=%s"%(cmd,data) if cmd in PARSE_LOOKUP: parse = globals()[PARSE_LOOKUP[cmd]] return parse(data) return Truedef parse_initack(data): if data == '64': return True else: return False def parse_lockstatus(data): code_used = int(data[2:4],16) status_bits = int(data[4:6],16) if status_bits & 0x80: cause = "Remote Control" elif status_bits & 0x40: cause = "Code %d Entered"%(code_used) elif status_bits & 0x20: cause = "Automatic Lock" else: cause = "Manual/Key" if status_bits & 0x02: lock_state = "Unlocked" elif status_bits & 0x01: lock_state = "Locked" else: lock_state = "Unknown" return (lock_state,cause) def parse_newlockcode(data): return datadef parse_error(data): return datadef generate_init_packet(num): return unhexlify(generate_packet(INIT_CMDS[num],INIT_DATAS[num]))def generate_lock_packet(): return unhexlify(generate_packet(LOCK_CMD,''))def generate_unlock_packet(): return unhexlify(generate_packet(UNLOCK_CMD,''))
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Este es el script que contendrá todos los comandos para la comunicación con su cerradura Kwikset sobre UART.
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