Paso 3: Paso 3: el código
Como hemos visto todos los temas mecánicos ;-) vamos a sumergirnos en el software.
Para probarlo un poco más, he añadido un sensor de temperatura (tmp36) para monitorizar la temperatura cada 15 minutos e informar sobre un gráfico vivo usando Xively.
En pocas palabras, el dispositivo está en modo de reposo todo el tiempo, cada 15 minutos se despierta, envía la temperatura a Xively, envía un correo electrónico y se va a dormir otra vez.
Si tengo correo, despierta debido a la interrupción externa (pin 1 solamente!), me envía un correo electrónico y un SMS.
Un led está allí sólo para propósito de depuración.
En cada mensajes que recibí de él también he añadido control de la batería.
Código fuente:
// TempBug Example Agent Code<br>
/* GLOBALS and CONSTANTS -----------------------------------------------------*/
const XIVELY_API_KEY = "blablabla"; const XIVELY_FEED_ID = "blablabla"; const XIVELYCHANNEL = "temperature"; Xively <- {}; // this makes a 'namespace'
/* CLASS AND GLOBAL FUNCTION DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------*
/ Xively "library". See <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
class Xively.Client { ApiKey = null; triggers = [];
constructor(apiKey) { this.ApiKey = apiKey; }
/***************************************** * method: PUT * IN: * feed: a XivelyFeed we are pushing to * ApiKey: Your Xively API Key * OUT: * HttpResponse object from Xively * 200 and no body is success *****************************************/ function Put(feed){ local url = "" + feed.FeedID + ".json"; local headers = { "X-ApiKey" : ApiKey, "Content-Type":"application/json", "User-Agent" : "Xively-Imp-Lib/1.0" }; local request = http.put(url, headers, feed.ToJson());
return request.sendsync(); }
/***************************************** * method: GET * IN: * feed: a XivelyFeed we fulling from * ApiKey: Your Xively API Key * OUT: * An updated XivelyFeed object on success * null on failure *****************************************/ function Get(feed){ local url = "" + feed.FeedID + ".json"; local headers = { "X-ApiKey" : ApiKey, "User-Agent" : "xively-Imp-Lib/1.0" }; local request = http.get(url, headers); local response = request.sendsync(); if(response.statuscode != 200) { server.log("error sending message: " + response.body); return null; }
local channel = http.jsondecode(response.body); for (local i = 0; i < channel.datastreams.len(); i++) { for (local j = 0; j < feed.Channels.len(); j++) { if (channel.datastreams[i].id == feed.Channels[j].id) { feed.Channels[j].current_value = channel.datastreams[i].current_value; break; } } }
return feed; }
} class Xively.Feed{ FeedID = null; Channels = null; constructor(feedID, channels) { this.FeedID = feedID; this.Channels = channels; } function GetFeedID() { return FeedID; }
function ToJson() { local json = "{ \"datastreams\": ["; for (local i = 0; i < this.Channels.len(); i++) { json += this.Channels[i].ToJson(); if (i < this.Channels.len() - 1) json += ","; } json += "] }"; return json; } }
class Xively.Channel { id = null; current_value = null; constructor(_id) { = _id; } function Set(value) { this.current_value = value; } function Get() { return this.current_value; } function ToJson() { return http.jsonencode({id =, current_value = this.current_value }); } }
function postToXively(data,id) { xivelyChannel <- Xively.Channel(XIVELYCHANNEL+id); xivelyChannel.Set(data); xivelyFeed <- Xively.Feed(XIVELY_FEED_ID, [xivelyChannel]); local resp = xivelyClient.Put(xivelyFeed); server.log("Posted to Xively: "+data+", got return code: "+resp.statuscode+", msg: "+resp.body); }
/* REGISTER DEVICE CALLBACKS ------------------------------------------------*/
device.on("data", function(datapoint) { postToXively(datapoint.temp,; }); /* REGISTER HTTP HANDLER -----------------------------------------------------*
/ This agent does not need an HTTP handler
/* RUNTIME BEGINS HERE -------------------------------------------------------*/
server.log("TempBug Agent Running");
// instantiate our Xively client xivelyClient <- Xively.Client(XIVELY_API_KEY); xivelyChannel <- Xively.Channel("temperature");
function mailgun(subject, message) { local from = "Mailbox local to = "titi local apikey = "key-blablbabla"; local domain = ""; local request ="https://api:" + apikey + " + domain + "/messages", {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, "from=" + from + "&to=" + to + "&subject=" + subject + "&text=" + message); local response = request.sendsync(); server.log("Mailgun response: " + response.body); }
function sendEmail (voltage,tmp) { mailgun("Electric Imp", "Monitoring \nTension Batterie "+voltage+" Température "+tmp); //http.get("!%0D", {}).sendsync(); }
function sendSMS (voltage,temp) { mailgun("Electric Imp", "Courrier Reçu! ;-) \n"); http.get("'a%20Du%20Courrier!%0D"+"Batt="+voltage+"V T="+temp+"°C", {}).sendsync(); }
//device.on("SMS", sendSMS);
device.on("mail", function(datapoint2) { sendEmail(datapoint2.voltage, datapoint2.tmp); });
device.on("SMS", function(listeInfo) { sendSMS(listeInfo.voltage, listeInfo.tmp); });
Dispositivo de:
// Alias the GPIO pin as 'button'<br>button <- hardware.pin1; led <- hardware.pin9; led.configure(DIGITAL_OUT); led2 <- hardware.pin8; led2.configure(DIGITAL_OUT); tmp36 <- hardware.pin7; tmp36.configure(ANALOG_IN);
doorStatus <- hardware.pin2; doorStatus.configure(DIGITAL_IN_PULLDOWN);
// global variable to track current state of LED pin //etat <- 0; // set LED pin to initial value (0 = off, 1 = on) //led.write(etat); function boucle() { local Vout =; local tmp = ((3.3*Vout/65535)-0.5)*100 ; local voltage = hardware.voltage();
local datapoint2 = { "voltage" : voltage, "tmp" : tmp } agent.send("mail",datapoint2);
local id = hardware.getdeviceid(); local datapoint = { "id" : id, "temp" : tmp } agent.send("data",datapoint); // local rssi = imp.rssi(); //agent.send("mail", rssi); local i; for (i=0; i<10; i++) { led.write(0); // set LED pin to new value imp.sleep(0.05); led.write(1); // set LED pin to new value imp.sleep(0.05); // The button is released server.log("Release"); } //imp.deepsleepfor(10); server.log("Press"); imp.deepsleepfor(900); } function buttonPress() { // imp.onidle( agent.send("SMS","toto"))
// local Vin = hardware.voltage();
local onlyOne = 0;
function main() { local statedoorStatus =;
Si (statedoorStatus == 0) {boucle(); if (statedoorStatus == 0) { boucle(); } else { if (onlyOne ==0) { local Vout =; local tmp = ((3.3*Vout/65535)-0.5)*100 ; local voltage = hardware.voltage();
local listeInfo = {"tensión": tensión, "tmp": tmp local listeInfo = { "voltage" : voltage, "tmp" : tmp } agent.send("SMS",listeInfo); onlyOne = 1; } local i; for (i=0; i<10; i++) { led.write(0); // set LED pin to new value imp.sleep(0.1); led.write(1); // set LED pin to new value imp.sleep(0.1); } } imp.wakeup(0.001, main); } button.configure(DIGITAL_IN_WAKEUP,buttonPress); main(); Agent.Send("SMS",listeInfo); onlyOne = 1;local i; para (i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {led.write(0); / / set pin LED a nuevo valor imp.sleep(0.1); led.write(1); / / pin LED para nuevo valor imp.sleep(0.1);} imp.wakeup (0.001, principal);