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// Arduino Pong by Hari Wiguna, 2016// v0.0 - draw ball // v0.1 - move ball // v0.2 - using millis(), move in Y direction too // v0.3 - Paddles! // v0.4 - Collision Detection // v0.5 - Scoring, Speed up, and Sound#include "U8glib.h"//== Preferences == U8GLIB_PCD8544 u8g(13, 11, 9, 8, 10); // SPI Com: SCK = 13, MOSI = 11, CS = 9, A0/DataCommand = 8, Reset = 10 int paddle0Pin = A1; // Left player potentiometer int paddle1Pin = A0; // Right player potentiometer int winningScore = 3; // How high before we declare a winner? byte tonePin = 2; // Which digital pin the beeper is attached to int animationSpeed0 = 25; // Initial speed of each round (lower = faster)//== Game Variables == u8g_uint_t courtWidth, courtHeight, halfCourtWidth; u8g_uint_t ballSize = 4; u8g_uint_t ballX; u8g_uint_t ballDirectionX = 1; u8g_uint_t ballY; u8g_uint_t ballDirectionY = 1; u8g_uint_t paddleWidth = 2; u8g_uint_t paddleHeight = 8; u8g_uint_t paddleHalfHeight = paddleHeight/2; u8g_uint_t paddle0Y; // Left player vertical paddle position u8g_uint_t paddle1Y; // Right player vertical paddle positionint score0, score1; // Left & Right player's scores bool gameOver = false;int bounceToneFrequency = 523; int bounceToneDuration = 62; int missToneFrequency = 523 / 2; int missToneDuration = 512;unsigned long timeToMove; // When should we move the ball again? int animationSpeed = animationSpeed0; // Current ball speed (lower = faster)bool MissedPaddle(u8g_uint_t py) { u8g_uint_t ballTop = ballY; u8g_uint_t ballBottom = ballY + ballSize - 1; u8g_uint_t paddleTop = py; u8g_uint_t paddleBottom = py + paddleHeight - 1; return ballBottom < paddleTop || ballTop > paddleBottom; }void DrawScores() { char strScore0[] = "?"; // Sets string length to 1 char strScore1[] = "?"; strScore0[0] = '0' + score0; // Overide the string value with single digit score strScore1[0] = '0' + score1; u8g.setFont(u8g_font_04b_03b); u8g_uint_t scoreWidth = u8g.getStrPixelWidth(strScore0); const int offset = 5; u8g_uint_t scoreY = 9; u8g.drawStr( halfCourtWidth - offset - scoreWidth, scoreY, strScore0); u8g.drawStr( halfCourtWidth + offset, scoreY, strScore1); }void DrawGameOver() { u8g.setFont(u8g_font_timB18); u8g.setFontPosCenter(); // vertical alignment char gameStr[] = "Game"; char overStr[] = "Over"; u8g_uint_t gx = (courtWidth - u8g.getStrPixelWidth(gameStr)) / 2; u8g_uint_t ox = (courtWidth - u8g.getStrPixelWidth(overStr)) / 2; u8g.drawStr(gx, 20, gameStr); u8g.drawStr(ox, 40, overStr); }void DrawCourt() { u8g.drawHLine(0, 0, courtWidth); u8g.drawHLine(0, courtHeight - 1, courtWidth); byte dash = 3; for (byte y = 0; y < (courtHeight / dash / 2); y++) { u8g.drawVLine(halfCourtWidth - 1, 2 + y * dash * 2, dash); } }void Player0Missed() { // When left player missed, move the ball just to the left of rightmost of court ballX = courtWidth - ballSize - 1; ballY = paddle1Y + paddleHalfHeight; // ball will be served at location of player 1's paddle tone(tonePin, missToneFrequency, missToneDuration); delay(1000); score1++; animationSpeed = animationSpeed0; if (score1 == winningScore) gameOver = true; }void Player1Missed() { // When right player missed, move the ball just to the right of the leftmost of court ballX = 1; ballY = paddle0Y + paddleHalfHeight; // ball will be served at location of player 0's paddle tone(tonePin, missToneFrequency, missToneDuration); delay(1000); score0++; animationSpeed = animationSpeed0; if (score0 == winningScore) gameOver = true; }void BounceX() { tone(tonePin, bounceToneFrequency, bounceToneDuration); ballDirectionX = -ballDirectionX; animationSpeed--; // Speed up game with each bounce }void MoveBall() { if (millis() > timeToMove) { ballX += ballDirectionX; if (ballX <= 0) if (MissedPaddle(paddle0Y)) Player0Missed(); else BounceX(); if (ballX >= (courtWidth - ballSize)) if (MissedPaddle(paddle1Y)) Player1Missed(); else BounceX(); ballY += ballDirectionY; if (ballY >= (courtHeight - ballSize) || ballY <= 0) { ballDirectionY = -ballDirectionY; animationSpeed--; // Speed up game with each bounce tone(tonePin, bounceToneFrequency, bounceToneDuration); } timeToMove = millis() + animationSpeed; } }void DrawPaddle(u8g_uint_t paddleX, int paddleY) { u8g.drawBox(paddleX, paddleY, paddleWidth, paddleHeight); }void DrawPaddles() { paddle0Y = map(analogRead(paddle0Pin), 0, 1023, 0, courtHeight - paddleHeight); paddle1Y = map(analogRead(paddle1Pin), 0, 1023, 0, courtHeight - paddleHeight); DrawPaddle(0, paddle0Y); DrawPaddle(courtWidth - paddleWidth, paddle1Y); }void setup(void) { u8g.setRot180(); // flip screen courtWidth = u8g.getWidth(); courtHeight = u8g.getHeight(); halfCourtWidth = courtWidth / 2; }void loop(void) { u8g.firstPage(); do { if (gameOver) DrawGameOver(); else MoveBall(); DrawCourt(); DrawScores(); u8g.drawBox(ballX, ballY, ballSize, ballSize); DrawPaddles(); } while ( u8g.nextPage() ); }