Paso 7: Software de código
A continuación es el código utilizado para mostrar nuestra ubicación en la pantalla LCD. Antes de subir el código, asegúrese de que se desconecte la línea que transmite del SGP (Pin 3). En otras palabras, desconecte el cable que va en los pines de Arduino 0 antes de cargar el código. Una vez cargado el código, puede conectar el cable otra vez.
#include #include SoftwareSerial mySerial(0, 1); // RX, TX LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);//Initialize the variables globally char GPS_text; int comma_count = 0; String latitude, longitude; int South = 0, West = 0, count =1;void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); mySerial.begin(57600); lcd.begin(16, 2); }void loop() // run over and over { if (mySerial.available()){ //Check for the data available GPS_text =; //Store the value in the variable if(GPS_text == '$'){ //Check if the variable starts with '$' Serial.write("\n"); comma_count = 0; latitude = "\0"; longitude = "\0"; } //**************GPS Count*************// if(GPS_text == ',') //Check for the comma and separate { ` comma_count = comma_count +1; } if(comma_count == 2) { latitude += GPS_text; //The receiver transmit or receive by a byte at a time. This command will be used to store the bytes in the single variable count = 0; } if(comma_count == 3) { latitude += GPS_text; if (count == 1) { // **********GPS LATITUDE DATA SEPERATION*********** Serial.println("***************GPS DATA************"); Serial.println("LAT:"+ latitude); //To display the GPS format latitute in ddmm.mmmm String dd, mm1, mm2, mm3; int dotlocation = latitude.indexOf('.'); dd = latitude.substring(dotlocation-4, dotlocation-2); mm1 = latitude.substring(dotlocation-2, dotlocation); mm2 = latitude.substring(dotlocation+1, dotlocation+5); unsigned long D1 = dd.toInt(); //Convert the recived string to int unsigned long MM1 = mm1.toInt(); //Convert the recived string to int unsigned long MM2 = mm2.toInt(); //Convert the recived string to int int setdot; //Used to set the precision if (D1 > 9) setdot = 2; else setdot = 1; Serial.print("DD= "); Serial.println(D1); //Store the dd Serial.print("mm1="); Serial.println(MM1); //Store two mm Serial.print("mm2="); Serial.println(MM2); //Store the remain .mmmm Serial.print("dotlocation = "); Serial.println(dotlocation); //***********Conversion****************// D1= D1 * 100000; Serial.println(D1); MM1 = MM1 * 10000; unsigned long temp; temp = MM1 + MM2; Serial.println(temp); temp = temp / 6; D1 = D1+ temp; Serial.print("D1 = "); Serial.println(D1); String A = (String)D1; dd = A.substring(0,setdot); mm1= A.substring(setdot); if (GPS_text == 'S') { A = '-' + dd + '.' + mm1; //To display the "-dd.mmmm" if its South Serial.write("South = \t"); } else { A = dd + '.' + mm1; //To display the "dd.mmmm" if its North Serial.write("North = \t"); } Serial.println(A); //*********LCD Display*******// lcd.setCursor(0, 0); //Setting the cursor position lcd.print("LAT:" + A); //Print the result in the LCD } //to check the GPS text after comma count = count+1; } if(comma_count == 4) { longitude += GPS_text; count =0; } if(comma_count ==5) { longitude += GPS_text; if (count == 1) { // **********GPS Longitude DATA SEPERATION*********** Serial.println("LON:"+ longitude); String dd, mm1, mm2, mm3; int dotlocation = longitude.indexOf('.'); dd = longitude.substring(dotlocation-5, dotlocation-2); mm1 = longitude.substring(dotlocation-2, dotlocation); mm2 = longitude.substring(dotlocation+1, dotlocation+5); unsigned long D1 = dd.toInt(); //Convert the recived string to int unsigned long MM1 = mm1.toInt(); //Convert the recived string to int unsigned long MM2 = mm2.toInt(); //Convert the recived string to int int setdot; if (D1 > 99) setdot = 3; else if (D1 >9) setdot = 2; else setdot = 1; Serial.print("DD= "); Serial.println(D1); //Store the dd Serial.print("mm1="); Serial.println(MM1); //Store the mm Serial.print("mm2="); Serial.println(MM2); //Store the .mmmm Serial.print("dotlocation = "); Serial.println(dotlocation); //***********Conversion****************// D1= D1 * 100000; Serial.println(D1); MM1 = MM1 * 10000; unsigned long temp; temp = MM1 + MM2; Serial.println(temp); temp = temp / 6; D1 = D1+ temp; Serial.print("D1 = "); Serial.println(D1); String A = (String)D1; dd = A.substring(0,setdot); mm1= A.substring(setdot); if (GPS_text == 'W') { A = '-' + dd + '.' + mm1; //To display if its West Serial.write("West = \t"); } else { A = dd + '.' + mm1; //To display if its South Serial.write("East = \t"); } Serial.println(A); //*********LCD Display*******// lcd.setCursor(0, 1); //Setting the cursor position lcd.print("LON:" + A);//Print the result in the LCD } count = count+1; } if(comma_count == 6) { count =0; } } }