Paso 6: Codificación de Arduino
Aquí está el código para la alerta de Nike reponer. Hay varias cosas que debe hacer en orden para que funcione; se deben cambiar la dirección ip y la dirección mac.
<p>/*<br> Twitter Client with Strings This sketch connects to Twitter using an Ethernet shield. It parses the XML returned, and looks for this is a tweet You can use the Arduino Ethernet shield, or the Adafruit Ethernet shield, either one will work, as long as it's got a Wiznet Ethernet module on board. This example uses the DHCP routines in the Ethernet library which is part of the Arduino core from version 1.0 beta 1 This example uses the String library, which is part of the Arduino core from version 0019. Circuit: * Ethernet shield attached to pins 10, 11, 12, 13 created 21 May 2011 by Tom Igoe modified by Amanda Ghassaei June 2012