Paso 4: Prepare la placa Arduino
Conecte él placa Arduino con el PC mediante cable USB.
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El siguiente bosquejo en él mediante oficial Arduino, software de programación de la carga:
/* Code Written by Pathikrit. I've explained the code in the grey comments. Change it by your wish. Please don't share this code on internet without the publisher's permission */
#include //import your motor shield library #define trigPin 2 // define the pins of your sensor #define echoPin 13 AF_DCMotor motor1(1,MOTOR12_64KHZ); // set up motors. AF_DCMotor motor2(2, MOTOR12_64KHZ); AF_DCMotor motor3(3,MOTOR12_1KHZ); // set up motors. AF_DCMotor motor4(4, MOTOR12_1KHZ);
void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // begin serial communitication Serial.println("Motor test!"); pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);// set the trig pin to output (Send sound waves) pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);// set the echo pin to input (recieve sound waves) motor1.setSpeed(175); //set the speed of the motors, between 0-255 motor2.setSpeed (175); motor3.setSpeed (175); motor4.setSpeed (175); } void loop() {
long duration, distance; // start the scan digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(3); // delays are required for a succesful sensor operation. digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds(10); //this delay is required as well! digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH); distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;// convert the distance to centimeters. if (distance < 20)/*if there's an obstacle 5 centimers, ahead, do the following: */ { Serial.println ("Close Obstacle detected!" ); Serial.println ("Obstacle Details:"); Serial.print ("Distance From Robot is " ); Serial.print ( distance); Serial.print ( " CM!");// print out the distance in centimeters.
Serial.println (" The obstacle is declared a threat due to close distance. "); Serial.println (" TURNING !");; // Turn as long as there's an obstacle ahead. (BACKWARD);; // Turn as long as there's an obstacle ahead. (FORWARD);
} else { Serial.println ("No obstacle detected. going forward"); delay (15);; //if there's no obstacle ahead, Go Forward!;; //if there's no obstacle ahead, Go Forward!; }