Paso 1: Crear el programa por lotes
Copie el código siguiente en Bloc de notas y guárdelo como FFHide.bat
REM Code started from here off call :setWindowProperty call :creteFolder goto :main :setWindowProperty title File/Folder Hide-Unhide App mode con: cols=65 lines=22 color 2f goto :eof :creteFolder set messageCode=welcome set feedbackURL="" set setupPath="C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\FFHide" IF NOT EXIST %setupPath% ( cd "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop" mkdir FFHide attrib +S +H %setupPath% cd %setupPath% echo. >> log.txt ) goto :eof :main cls if "%messageCode%"=="welcome" ( call :welcomeMesssage ) else if "%messageCode%"=="pathnotfounderror" ( call :pathnotfounderror ) else if "%messageCode%"=="success" ( call :success ) else if "%messageCode%"=="error" ( call :error ) else if "%messageCode%"=="contact" ( call :contact ) else ( call :error ) echo [1] Hide echo [2] Unhide echo [3] Log History echo [4] Contact Us echo [5] Give Feedback echo [6] Exit echo ***************************************************************** set /p option="Enter your Choice: " call :operation %option% goto :main :welcomeMesssage cls echo ***************************************************************** echo * Welcome...!! * echo * Here You can Hide/Unhide your File/Folder..!! * echo * Choose option below * echo ***************************************************************** goto :eof :error cls echo ***************************************************************** echo * Sorry...!! * echo * Choice is Incorrect..!! * echo * Please Choose option below * echo ***************************************************************** goto :eof :success cls echo ***************************************************************** echo * Congratulations...!! * echo * Operation Done Successfully..!! * echo * Please Choose option below * echo ***************************************************************** goto :eof :pathnotfounderror cls echo ***************************************************************** echo * Sorry...!! * echo * File/Folder Does not Exists..!! * echo * Please Choose option below * echo ***************************************************************** goto :eof :feedback if exist "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" ( start firefox.exe "%feedbackURL%" ) else ( start iexplore "%feedbackURL%" ) set messageCode=welcome goto :eof :exit exit :: :operation if %~1==1 ( call :hide ) else if %~1==2 ( call :unhide ) else if %~1==3 ( call :log ) else if %~1==4 ( set messageCode=contact ) else if %~1==5 ( call :feedback ) else if %~1==6 ( call :exit )else ( set messageCode=error ) goto :eof :hide cls set /p folderpath="Enter path of File/Folder to Hide : " if exist "%folderpath%" ( attrib +h +s "%folderpath%" cd %setupPath% echo Operation: Hide ^Date^&Time : %date% %time% FolderPath: "%folderpath%">> log.txt set messageCode=success ) else ( set messageCode=pathnotfounderror ) goto :eof :unhide cls set /p folderpath="Enter path of File/Folder to Unhide : " if exist "%folderpath%" ( attrib -h -s "%folderpath%" cd %setupPath% echo Operation: Unhide ^Date^&Time : %date% %time% FolderPath: "%folderpath%">> log.txt set messageCode=success ) else ( set messageCode=pathnotfounderror ) goto :eof :log cd %setupPath% start log.txt goto :eof :contact cls echo ***************************************************************** echo * If you have any problem or you need any help * echo * You can Contact Us by bolow EmailID * echo * Errorcode401 : ErrorMakeMeSmart * echo * Facebook : * echo ***************************************************************** goto :eof :error cls echo ***************************************************************** echo * Sorry...!! * echo * Choice is Incorrect..!! * echo * Please Choose option below * echo ***************************************************************** goto :eof REM Code ended from here