Paso 3: Sketch de Arduino para Pyduino
Inorder para controlar arduino con python que tenemos que enviar el arduino pequeños trozos de código uno a la vez a través del puerto serie de nuestro ordenador. ¿Cómo el arduino luego interpreta ese mensaje? El código siguiente nos dice cómo.
Copie y pegue el código en el software de arduino y subirlo al dispositivo arduino.
Cuando haces eso tienes una imagen que se ve como el anterior. En la parte inferior derecha de la ventana observará alguna información sobre donde se encuentra, salvo que información necesitará para nuestro código python el arduino.
/* * Sketch to control the pins of Arduino via serial interface * * Commands implemented with examples: * * - RD13 -> Reads the Digital input at pin 13 * - RA4 - > Reads the Analog input at pin 4 * - WD13:1 -> Writes 1 (HIGH) to digital output pin 13 * - WA6:125 -> Writes 125 to analog output pin 6 (PWM) */char operation; // Holds operation (R, W, ...) char mode; // Holds the mode (D, A) int pin_number; // Holds the pin number int digital_value; // Holds the digital value int analog_value; // Holds the analog value int value_to_write; // Holds the value that we want to write int wait_for_transmission = 5; // Delay in ms in order to receive the serial datavoid set_pin_mode(int pin_number, char mode){ /* * Performs a pinMode() operation depending on the value of the parameter * mode : * - I: Sets the mode to INPUT * - O: Sets the mode to OUTPUT * - P: Sets the mode to INPUT_PULLUP */ switch (mode){ case 'I': pinMode(pin_number, INPUT); break; case 'O': pinMode(pin_number, OUTPUT); break; case 'P': pinMode(pin_number, INPUT_PULLUP); break; } }void digital_read(int pin_number){ /* * Performs a digital read on pin_number and returns the value read to serial * in this format: D{pin_number}:{value}\n where value can be 0 or 1 */ digital_value = digitalRead(pin_number); Serial.print('D'); Serial.print(pin_number); Serial.print(':'); Serial.println(digital_value); // Adds a trailing \n }void analog_read(int pin_number){ /* * Performs an analog read on pin_number and returns the value read to serial * in this format: A{pin_number}:{value}\n where value ranges from 0 to 1023 */ analog_value = analogRead(pin_number); Serial.print('A'); Serial.print(pin_number); Serial.print(':'); Serial.println(analog_value); // Adds a trailing \n }void digital_write(int pin_number, int digital_value){ /* * Performs a digital write on pin_number with the digital_value * The value must be 1 or 0 */ digitalWrite(pin_number, digital_value); }void analog_write(int pin_number, int analog_value){ /* * Performs an analog write on pin_number with the analog_value * The value must be range from 0 to 255 */ analogWrite(pin_number, analog_value); }void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // Serial Port at 9600 baud Serial.setTimeout(100); // Instead of the default 1000ms, in order // to speed up the Serial.parseInt() }void loop() { // Check if characters available in the buffer if (Serial.available() > 0) { operation =; delay(wait_for_transmission); // If not delayed, second character is not correctly read mode =; pin_number = Serial.parseInt(); // Waits for an int to be transmitted if (':'){ value_to_write = Serial.parseInt(); // Collects the value to be written } switch (operation){ case 'R': // Read operation, e.g. RD12, RA4 if (mode == 'D'){ // Digital read digital_read(pin_number); } else if (mode == 'A'){ // Analog read analog_read(pin_number); } else { break; // Unexpected mode } break; case 'W': // Write operation, e.g. WD3:1, WA8:255 if (mode == 'D'){ // Digital write digital_write(pin_number, value_to_write); } else if (mode == 'A'){ // Analog write analog_write(pin_number, value_to_write); } else { break; // Unexpected mode } break; case 'M': // Pin mode, e.g. MI3, MO3, MP3 set_pin_mode(pin_number, mode); // Mode contains I, O or P (INPUT, OUTPUT or PULLUP_INPUT) break; default: // Unexpected char break; } } }